Energy Mug | More Energy | Water | High Bovis Level | Left Spin | Health

 then you're losing energy! 

Essential Energy Mug
Energy Products Parade
"Last week I went to see my naturopathic doctor of over 15 years. He took one look at me and said, 'What have you been doing, you look terrific, I've never seen you look so bright!' He can see auras, and I told him, 'I had been feeling so exhausted for so long, having no energy, so I've just been drinking my water totally out of this new energy pitcher.' Then my doctor said, 'I want one of those!'" Elizabeth Bredell, Wyandotte MI.

"We love our energized water. Tastes almost sweet. We've placed a nice turntable in the corner of our kitchen counter and have filled it with pitchers. the water sits for hours. Yummy. We'd like to order another large plastic pitcher. We have one already and it's so much easier to handle than the glass ones, of which we have three. The website keeps saying that it's not available. Is there any way to get the large plastic pitcher, perhaps as a special order?" Thanks, Georgine (Floyd)
"I received my shipment today. The energy tray looks perfect. You did a fine job making it. I am anxious to get it home and put it to work energizing my bath salts and all my other items. Thank you for all your help. You are very patient and full of information." Teresa Marcum
"I would like to report to you the improvement in my leg. I'm a physiologist and for many years I had put my cell phone in right leg's cargo pocket so it was resting right on my right thigh, above the knee. About 5 years ago, I began notice that on that specific area where the cell phone was resting, the whole area had become numb. The feeling on the skin in that area had almost completely gone to nothing, maybe just a little tingle. Of course, I stopped wearing the cell phone, but the numb area never got better. So, last month I purchased some of your extra large glass beads, with the special harmonic frequencies. I attached one on the beads right on the numb area and kept it on for over 23 hours every day, for almost 4 weeks now. Well, unbelievably, the numb area has shrunk by about 70%, and the feeling in the whole area has improved by about 80%. Thank you, I will be placing another order for my father who has cancer." Jeanne Cason
Not Your Ordinary Mug!
Positively Amazing Breakthrough!!

Make Your Liquids and Foods Essential

The Essential Energy Mug is a new product that contains highly charged, energized, and positively polarized water in the space between its double walls (we now have energized glass mugs also). This has the effect of energizing any liquid or food that is put into the mug.

Liquids, such as juices, coffees, teas and colas placed inside the Energy Mug, for instance, result in having a less acidic, fresher and sweeter taste, that most people claim goes beyond that.

    "I ordered from you about a month ago. I'm a 76 year old diabetic (Type II). I try to control by diet & exercise. My Blood Sugar was 160-190. After a couple weeks, my sugar was 115-135. Nothing changed except I drank only out of the mug. I also quit putting on shaving cream. Just water out of the mug. My wrinkles seem to be getting less. Hope my white hair changes! Thanks." Don Flowers

When any hot or cold food substance (also vitamins, skin care products, etc) is placed in the Energy Mug for 2 or more minutes, positive "energy information" is transferred from the energized water between the inner and outer shells of the Mug (or from the energized glass) to the new liquid being treated.

Science has recently shown that substances that affect you negatively have a "right" spin. That is, the electrons of the substance spin around their nucleus in a "right", or clockwise direction (with respect to the atom's magnetic hemisphere). For more information on this, please go to: Bovis Definition, and Bovis Scale. But when the mug treats the water for 2 or more minutes, this "right" spin is changed to a "left" spin. i.e. the electrons in the new substance can now take on a positive "left" spin. And also, once the mug has imparted this positive information to the water or food in the mug, its free radical nature may be reduced, amoung other good things.

You'll have to try these amazing products for yourself to experience the real difference!

Results and Experiences

Invented by German scientists, the results in the last few years using the Essential Energy Mug are very promising:

  • People who were never able to drink tap water before, now have no problem. They even think it's much better than bottled or filtered...

  • Plants grow as never before. Using this energized water in a vase, NOW it takes up to 3 weeks before the water turns green, and flowers last much longer. In a fish tank, it has been seen that algae growth is slowed, so cleaning the tank is required less often, and the fish are much more vital.

  • In one Barber shop, the owner is now using just Energy Mug water to shave his customers with no soap.

  • A farmer called me up after putting an energy egg in his refrigerator, exclaiming, "Before the egg, my goat's milk only lasted for 2 or 3 days in the refrigerator. But now with the egg, it's lasting over a month!"

  • ...And much more. See some more testimonials.

What Makes the Essential Energy Mug So Unique?

Almost everyone knows today that most tap water is 'dead' water. But did you know that it can actually rob you of energy? Nobody really trusts drinking the water that comes out of their tap. And look at the alternative billion-dollar bottled water industry. How much better do you think this actually is?

Most people are aware that our fragile water resources are in poor condition, having been damaged by industrial, agricultural, urban, and other sources of pollutants. And the wetlands which naturally purify water have been disappearing under the onslaught of development and construction. Water tables are shrinking from the demands of large populations. How many people today would drink water found in a river or lake? How many of these waterways are considered severely damaged or near dead?! And the water in your home may be as energy-drained as many of our rivers and lakes, besides containing numerous chemicals or other toxic substances.

Wouldn't it be great if there was some way of reversing the negative, lifeless information in most water and reverting it to water that allows the cells of the body to stay hydrated (full of water), and imbibe you with more energy? Typical purification systems merely cleanse the water of various chemical, heavy metal and organic contaminants, but do not restore energy to the water. Compare this with the Essential Energy Mug, developed in 1995, to restore lifeless water into a more pristine, revitalized element. After all, water is a vital nutrient to life and health, along with clean air and clean food.

In the larger environmental picture, what we have done in the past century and longer is to release more contaminated, de-energized water and other pollutants back into our groundwater system. The groundwater quality decreases. Then we re-use the water, then recycle it back more depleted, into an increasingly negative feedback loop. That's the most important reason tap water is not life-positive. And other damaging factors exasterbate the situation: The pressure in pipes and from water pumps, straight-line water pipes or conduits (remember, in nature water curves and spirals), and exposure to negatively charged chemicals, heavy metals, or other contaminants. These factors combine in a telling loss of charge, or vibratory rate.

A long time ago, people were able to bath themselves and clean their clothes just by using natural water, without soap, because at that time, the water was not depleted, but was energized, and left-spinning. Because of pollution, now all our planet's elements, including water, are energy-depleted. The Essential Energy Mug is a new product that can reverse this cycle of negativity into an ever-increasing positive energy, groundwater loop.

You're losing energy!
The energy encased in the glass Essential Energy Mug has been upgraded and now has a reading of 12 million Bovis. Scientists measure most tap water at only about 3,000 Bovis! And the neutral energy point for the human body is about 6,000 Bovis - that's the reason you are losing energy every time you drink tap, or negative, right-spinning water - because water is less than the 6,000 neutral point of the body!

What is 'Bovis' energy? Well, Anton Bovis was a French scientist who worked with life force energy. The term 'Bovis', is now equated with bio-photons, or the smallest particles of light energy, too subtle to be seen by the naked eye. And, all living things cannot exist without bio-photons. Actually, it can be said that all living things are bio-photons. Specifically, electrons absorb and also emit bio-photons, and our DNA is super electron-rich. Therefore, our DNA is a storehouse for these all-important bio-photons.

So, the higher the Bovis energy level of something that comes in contact with our cells, the higher in energy your DNA becomes, and the higher one's health and well-being.

The Energy Mug's imparting of high Bovis (bio-photonic) energy to your drinking water sets it widely apart from, and well above, magnetized, filtered, purified, mineralized or otherwise artificially contrived waters on the market today.

Energy Mug - You'll Taste the Difference!

Use this mug every day to help retard acidic tastes of juices, coffees, teas and other beverages. Simply place food or liquid into the Energy Mug and wait at least 2 minutes, which will energize the liquid to a left-spinning minimum positive level (above 6,000 Bovis). Depending on the quality of the water, after a few minutes, the liquid will go up to 18,000 - 40,000 Bovis units. And if left in the mug longer, will go up much higher - depending on the liquid, it will go up to 1.5 million Bovis if left in 24 hours. And after energizing, you can transfer this energized liquid to any other of your preferred containers and it will maintain this energy level indefinitely.

A truly amazing product! Suitable for both hot and cold drinks or food.

All living systems emit bio-photons (particles of light energy, like the Mug)

Pictured at right are two algae Acetabularia acetabulum emitting photons in darkness.

$60.00 MSRP

(Special care and handling instructions: These products should not be x-rayed or microwaved. Therefore do not place through airport hand luggage conveyer since it uses x-rays. The new airport screeners will also discharge the products. Only hand-carrying through metal detectors is safe. And checked baggage is now randomly x-rayed, so remove and allow hand inspection. (Note: in today's paranoid-security world, most airports will confiscate these devices)


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